24.) Preston, Last Week: 26.) - Oh hey, Preston. You are still here? Oh that's cool I guess. I did find
Johnny giving him breakfast in bed due to a lost bet was hilarious.
23.) Deyvn, LW 23.) - I actually became a big fan of Deyvn in the last two Challenges she had been featured in, but I don't know, it just doesn't feel like she fits in with the Free Agent portion of things. She also adds little drama which doesn't help things either.

21.) Brandon, LW 25.) - This is the hardest part of these early recaps because there are way too many people. Brandon had couple funny lines about LaToya and Camila plus holding Camila back from killing Nany so he can get bumped up.
20.) LaToya, LW 18.) - Nothing really to write home about for the rookie this week. She did well with Brandon which is good and stayed out of getting into any arguments with the first super drunk night at the house.
19.) Theresa, LW 19.) - I am pretty sure she is from Wisconsin as I have seen her at various bars in Milwaukee yet she has a terrible voice. I am sorry. I try to be nice here, but her voice is not good whatsoever.
18.) Swift, LW 21.) - It was only a matter time before Swift would make some moves with the women. Dude is completely jacked and nice enough to draw some attraction. Not surprised Jasmine made a move.17.) Issac, LW 17.) - Pretty stunned in an episode that features a great deal of drinking, we did not see any real good Issac moments other than him talking about doing shots.
16.) Jonna, LW 22.) - I should first make an apology for ranking Emilee too high. I didn't realize she was not athletic as she appeared to be in the first couple weeks. Jonna won and said she will 'make Laurel regret it' which is a bigger joke than my bank account.
15.) Nia, LW 11.) - Am I disappointed with the start of Nia on The Challenge? Yes, I am. I would love her to be heavily involved with the season, but right now, she is still feeling it out. I expect Nia to make a return to one of the top spots.
14.) Johnny, LW 14.) - Johnny Challenge is not doing much for me either yet. I swear these rookies watch tape as in they watch a couple other seasons. Like in old seasons, we would have rookies with a batshit moment and get sent home early. Johnny is lurking in the woods.
13.) Cohutta, LW 16.) - The old vet still has some new tricks. Apparently, the women find him attractive as he was all over Nany as well as a couple others. He also won the second challenge with Laurel. I might have slept on Cohutta.
12.) Cara Maria, LW 10.) - I am only putting her lower because some people had bigger weeks than Cara. She is still a contender for The Challenge. The ranking only reflects this week. Honestly, Cara did nothing for me.13.) Cohutta, LW 16.) - The old vet still has some new tricks. Apparently, the women find him attractive as he was all over Nany as well as a couple others. He also won the second challenge with Laurel. I might have slept on Cohutta.
11.) Johnny Bananas, LW 9.) - Is this the lowest we have seen Mr. Bananas in a Challenge Power Rankings? I am going to say yes without doing any sort of research. He really isn't a player right now with no team atmosphere and no inner circle. Interesting to see if JB ends up getting on the chopping block earlier than expected.
10.) Jessica, LW 15.) - I might not like her, but it is clear, she will be a player this year at least for the beginning part of the season. She finished near the top in the second Challenge which led her to shout out her haters again. Jessica and Dustin hooked up throughout the episode leading Emilee with the killshot of the year saying "Jessica has as many brain cells as she does abs, none." That's lethal. Basically, what I am trying to say is Jessica will be a factor for this season. It really does seem that way.
9.) Jasmine, LW 13.) - I also am ready to make a claim that I think Jasmine is finally ready to take the next step in The Challenge. Sure, she is making the comments about 'wanting sex' and dancing on tabletops, but Jasmine does seemed dialed in on the actual Challenges. I think it is worth keeping an eye on.
8.) Leroy, LW 5.) - What a boring season so far from Roy Lee. Maybe it's Adam's theory about him being too nice allowing for him not be involved with any of the shit. Roy Lee will rise again like a phoenix, but right now, he stays in the weeds.
7.) Zach, LW 3.) - What a surprise. All the girls are attracted to Zach. And then they realize what a psycho he is and gets all sorts of scared. Happens every time. Another player that really hasn't done anything this season.
6.) Camila, LW 8.) - It is so early for a crazy Camila sequence, but we got one! It was awesome. She expressed frustration at CT for bitching about 750 dollar bar tab, and then got into it with her best friend on the show, Nany. Next day in classic Camila form, Nany and Camila made up like the Yalta Conference. A Nany-Camila steel cage match where they are no longer friends, a trick used in professional wrestling, would be tremendous theater. I would probably pay at least 100 dollars.
5.) Frank, LW 7.) - I agree with Adam saying there is a new look to Frank. I don't know what changed from him, but he acts completely normal. Frank hasn't tried to start shit with anyone nor is does he have some devious plan. Are we sure this isn't a ploy and old Frank will come back at some point in the show? I hope so.
4.) Nany, LW 6.) - Shout out to Nany. She tries to get involved with everybody's life. I didn't really understand this until this episode. Let's see, she cockblocked Dustin with Emilee because Jessica found him first, and Dustin is her friend (Friends don't CB other friends unless absolutely needed). She also got involved with CT and Camila's scuffle for no apparent reason leading to a screaming match. I need that kind of drama in my Challenge season so I thank Nany.
3.) Jordan, LW 4.) - Could you imagine if Laurel and him get married and have kids? Do they become some of the best athletes of the next generation? This would be my dream. The next Aaron Rodgers is birthed by two MTV Challenge members. That would be fantastic.
2.) Laurel, LW 1.) - First, I loved how embarrassed Laurel was by the kiss from Jordan, thought it showed her normal side. Second, I loved how she won her first Challenge. It is only the beginning folks.
1.) CT, LW 2.) - I have to put CT at the number one spot. What a man of the people. He pays a 750 dollar bar tab, and yes he complained about it, but still he paid it. CT also made sure a fight with Camila didn't go further than the parking lot.
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