Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

The Obsession With Johnny Manziel's Life

After Memorial Day Weekend in Las Vegas, people went to DEFCON 1 with hot takes about Johnny Manziel. He didn't really stop there and kept the party going while continuing to build his reputation as one of the biggest social media stars in the last couple years. Everyone wants to take a picture with Manziel, and this weekend, we finally hit the height of its ridiculousness with another picture going viral from Las Vegas. Johnny doesn't need to stop the party, but he needs to figure out a way to avoid the social media drama which seems to be impossible.

H/T BlackSportsOnline 
The aforementioned picture featured Manziel with a rolled-up 20 dollar bill in the bathroom of a Vegas nightclub. Usually when one rolls up money like that, it is to snort something whether it be cocaine, speed or adderall. The media immediately rushed to the conclusion Manziel was doing coke in the bathroom without any evidence of it. This is the peril of being a party animal in a social media atmosphere. People will always make assumptions when they are not there. It is like ESPN and many other blogs were Lily Aldrin asking 'Where's the poop, Johnny Football' without there being the actual poop (Just made a How I Met Your Mother reference in a story about cocaine, hello rock bottom). 

If we saw a picture, GIF, Vine of Manziel doing cocaine in that bathroom, this blog post is entirely different. This isn't about Manziel being left alone more so just us as blogger and media people being more smarter about what we publish about Johnny. If there is hard evidence that drugs of any sort were going on with him in that bathroom, or he went Wolf of Wall Street on the best looking strippers in Las Vegas, okay, that's a story worth discussing more than 'MANZIEL IS DA COOLEST.' This isn't even about my unbridled love for the Cleveland Browns quarterback, it is about being smarter. Let's not rush to conclusions without the evidence there. 

Let me provide my own theory on why Manziel rolled up a 20 dollar bill. He wanted to put it in his ear therefore it would be easier to pay for whatever he wanted with said 20 dollars. Likely, Manziel is wearing designer jeans with tight pockets in a crowded nightclub. It would be much easier for Manziel to grab from his ear to pay for whatever he might need with the 20 dollars then trying to find the money in his pocket. Or what if that was his clever way to tip a girl through her cleavage, you never really know with Manziel.  He is not somebody where everything is black and white. Honestly, he could have been doing cocaine too, something very common in Vegas. But am I one to call him out for doing it without any evidence?  Hell no, that's reckless.  

This is the last holiday weekend for Manziel before Training Camp. He will be there for a month with a couple off days thrown in. Manziel will be under a massive, Tim Tebow-like microscope, but at the same time, if he minds his business and wins games, that's all Cleveland will care about.


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