He took in Las Vegas like many young people in the United States do over Memorial Day Weekend as they bring the best DJ's and have these pool parties that you only see on Project X or movies like that. When pictures began to circulate of Manziel hanging around the pools, ESPN ran right with the story talking about it as if it were breaking news that a 22 year old likes to go to Vegas and party his ass off. This might be the time where we all have an intervention for the mothership and many other media outlets.
It is okay for Johnny Football to have fun. None of these pictures showed him doing a shot off a woman's breasts or him mooning the crowd. They look like normal pictures of a guy having a good time. It is bizarre we need to have this discussion about Manziel, but here we are in 2014 with the media having nothing better to do right now. It is also pretty clear he is the first social media superstar. Rob Gronkowski, a player he was pictured with it, had some of that as he had pictures of him with pornstar Bibi Jones, partying recklessly all over the country among other things. But Gronk doesn't play quarterback. Being the quarterback adds a whole new wrinkle to this thing.
This is going to become real tiresome. I am willing to bet most media outlets have one guy or girl assigned to Johnny Football Watch where they look at everything he is doing on a daily basis to see if they can find something to talk about. I mean Christ, the guy wore sandals for the team rookie photo and that somehow became a story. It seems like every day or so we get a new Manziel story. Cleveland made comments about trying to level him out a bit which is fine, but at the same time, it is Johnny's world and we are just living it. I don't know if there will be a step back from the Manziel coverage because everybody pushed their chips all in and now they are stuck with continuing the narrative. Not to mention, the dead period of sports in July after hockey and basketball ends will open up the flood gates for Manziel stories.
I don't always ask for pictures, but when I do, it's so I can do this. pic.twitter.com/kWZxv9G77V
— Elika Sadeghi (@steakNstiffarms) May 25, 2014
Tim Tebow had some of this stuff, but with him being a good nature Christian boy, the media never had discussion about his 'partying' habits. This will give us the first real look at 'What would it been like if we had Twitter/Instagram/Tinder when Joe Namath, Brett Favre or Michael Jordan played?' Manziel will be the first test study of that hypothetical question. To that point, I could see Jameis Winston having some similar problems as college football media needs a Manziel replacement and who better than Winston? The social media superstar will only continue to get bigger and bigger as people get smarter on how to find the smallest details about a person.
It is too bad Johnny had to post a picture of him studying today because it shouldn't be needed. There are NFL players out there right now doing far worse things than having some beers in Las Vegas. Hopefully, Manziel keeps being his own person because it would be a shame to see him caged in.
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