19.) Preston, LW: 22.) - Yes he did move up because of his performance. Producers set up pretty nicely for him to look like LeBron James out there.
18.) Issac, LW 14.) - What a piss poor effort from Issac. One of the worst we have seen all year. It is not based on performances to send people into an elimination, but Issac deserved to be there.
17.) Aneesa, LW 21.) - Here's what going to happen this season at least for the short term. Aneesa is going to start building up an alliance against Laurel and Jordan. She still believes to have power which I don't know if she has still these days, but maybe I'm wrong. I know she will have backers.
16.) Jonna, LW 17.) - This might be one of the number one people to join Aneesa's clan. Jonna already vowed revenge on Laurel when she came back from elimination so don't be surprised if Jonna is out in front with Aneesa.
15.) Swift, LW 19.) - Even though Brandon told Swift to not play the game, he did exactly the right thing by going with the group sending Brandon into the elimination round. Swift is now making small waves in the game where he could avoid the whole 'You're a rookie, you need to go in.'
14.) Theresa, LW 18.) - I don't why she is so high but Theresa is playing the game right by not making any ruckus. Theresa is silent which is perfect. I don't know which side she would choose, probably Aneesa.
13.) Leroy, LW 13.) - If Leroy keeps getting punked by Preston on Challenge missions, I will start calling him the Roy Hibbert of Challenges.
12.) Johnny, LW 12) - Another quiet week for Johnny. I kind of expected him to be a loud, brash personality in a lot of ways like Jordan. I assume he will have his Portland's brother's back in the newfound rivalry.
10.) Camila, LW 4.) - Pretty big fall off for Camila, but I really haven't seen her do much this season besides her one freakout. Is she lying in the weeds a bit? Yes. I think she is another one that can turn on Laurel due to clashing personalities.
9.) Jasmine, LW 6.) - The action from her came in the Aftershow. I didn't watch because I have a life or I would like to think so but I saw the highlights of Nia and Jasmine going at each other raising their voices at each other. We need a little more fight from Jazzy in the actual Challenge.
8.) Johnny Bananas, LW 7.) - I am a big Bananas fan, I think we all know that, but he had some true nerve saying 'How wrong Jordan was for yelling at women.' Johnny Bananas yelled at women at The Island in one of the most memorable Challenge seasons ever. He is no saint and really shouldn't act like one.
7.) Jessica, LW 8.) - Sometimes things carry over from Real World or previous Challenge seasons, Jordan and Jessica's distaste for each other hit another high point with their argument as Jessica attempted to play both sides and manipulate the game. Look for Jessica to be one of the targets for the chopping block tonight.
6.) Zach, LW 10.) - For the first time in the Challenge, Zach finally showed his strength. He ended up in the Draw where he eviscerated Brandon showing why he is one of the top contender to win the whole damn thing. Also, be on the lookout for a little tussle between Issac and Zach. That feels like it's boiling.
5.) Cara Maria, LW 9.) - Third straight elimination win for Cara Maria. She is building some momentum in this game. I don't think anyone is going to put up for elimination and could be the strongest female next to Laurel.
4.) Nany, LW 3.) - At this point, it seems like we are heading towards whether people will join Jordan and Laurel or they will go against them. I don't know with Nany. She wants to be everyone's friend, and I could see her taking issue with Laurel given how strong of a personality both women are in this game.
3.) Jordan, LW 5.) - This is going to do end badly for Jordan. He will remain in the top five because he is an integral part to the story, but the power couple of Laurel and him are making no friends at this point. People will want to end this alliance before it grows legs.
2.) CT, LW 2.) - He did not have much involvement with this episode except dominating the mission with the Holy Trinity of teammates with him, Laurel and Johnny Bananas all on the same roster. CT remains the top male until further notice.
1.) -Laurel, LW 1.) - One of the more interesting things about The Challenge right now is Laurel actually has a male to fight for which makes her strategy really interesting. She has really always been a 'Free Agent' per say, and now she has to protect herself plus Jordan.
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