21.) Aneesa, LW 22.) - She is taking issue with Laurel during the mission? Why exactly? Aneesa is nowhere near the player Laurel been for her entire time. What a joke.
20.) Deyvn, LW 23.) - Wish I have something to add about Deyvn, but there is not really much to say with her this episode.
19.) Swift, LW 18.) - I forget if he is rookie or not, but talk about a guy skating away from the same sort of criticism of being the 'new guy.' I have a feeling this week might spell the end for Swift.
18.) Theresa, LW 19.) - I am waiting for the episode where she goes crazy because it is happening at some point. She is lying in the weeds right now, but Theresa always has one good episode in her.
17.) Jonna, LW 16.) - I am kind of surprised she didn't try to talk Jordan out of not competing in The Challenge last week. She would have easily been the most vulnerable player especially in that mission, but she survived this week.
16.) LaToya, LW 20.) - LaToya and Brandon Show has huge potential. I think we are going somewhere good with this one. I would watch this after The Real World instead of an aftershow. I didn't know much about her to start the season, but I really like what she brings to the season.
15.) Brandon, LW 21.) - STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM, NOW WE HERE. Brandon began the season ranked 29 out of 30, and he has made a push. Brandon played a part in winning a Challenge which is a damn near first for him. Brandon also did the thing with LaToya which is pretty funny. Maybe all he needed was a season without a team?
14.) Issac, LW 17.) - I have decided I need to have a wolfpack featuring CT, Issac and Cohutta. That seems like a good time. Cohutta balances what CT and Issac bring to the table. He is one I think might not be safe tonight.
13.) Leroy, LW 8.) - It has been a disappointing season for Roy Lee thus far. He didn't really help finishing second in the mission as he was behind Issac, and has not been a factor yet in anything going on with this season. This is pretty disappointing given how he has been so involved with other seasons. This can definitely change though, but I don't think he is safe.
12.) Johnny, LW 14.) - So much for Johnny Challenge not doing anything scandalous for his sorta girlfriend. He did a nice striptease routine for Nany and sealed with a kiss. He escaped elimination by 'no one pulling the draw card' (Producers went.... PSSSHHHH HEY GUYS THE DRAW CARD IS THAT ONE SO DON'T FLIP, OKAY?!?!?!). We will see if he goes back in today.
13.) Leroy, LW 8.) - It has been a disappointing season for Roy Lee thus far. He didn't really help finishing second in the mission as he was behind Issac, and has not been a factor yet in anything going on with this season. This is pretty disappointing given how he has been so involved with other seasons. This can definitely change though, but I don't think he is safe.
12.) Johnny, LW 14.) - So much for Johnny Challenge not doing anything scandalous for his sorta girlfriend. He did a nice striptease routine for Nany and sealed with a kiss. He escaped elimination by 'no one pulling the draw card' (Producers went.... PSSSHHHH HEY GUYS THE DRAW CARD IS THAT ONE SO DON'T FLIP, OKAY?!?!?!). We will see if he goes back in today.
10.) Zach, LW 7.) - Like Roy Lee, I am waiting for Zach to get involved with this season. He had a nice strategy that ended up not working for them, but that's about it. No real thoughts about Frank departure, I don't know, he's been a bummer.
9.) Cara Maria, LW 12.) - What a fight from her. Think about the girl who was in Rivals with Laurel where she basically gave up multiple missions, got criticized to holy hell and now is probably one of the biggest contenders in the game.
8.) Jessica, LW 10.) - Anyone notice she was once again a part of a winning team or a near winning team? She has been excellent thus far. I might have been critical of her attitude and who she is, but strong performer thus far.
7.) Johnny Bananas, LW 11.) - Once again, when I doubt the Michael Jordan of Challenges, he comes up with a win in The Challenge plus some good Johnny moments. It is not surprising he hates Jordan given his ego and basically being a mini Bananas. Also I forget why he has issues with Cara Maria, but he was the only one cheering against her in elimination.
6.) Jasmine, LW 9.) - Breakout season for her. I honestly don't even think we will get one of those freakout moments from her. It might be a little too much for her to be a stripper and in a naughty schoolgirl outfit for a second episode, but whatever she's living it.
5.) Jordan, LW 3.) - Yeah that was a try hard move from him, but he doesn't want to let down Laurel. Trust me, he will do some funny things to impress her because she is Laurel. I love that this is a relationship in the house.
4.) Camila, LW 6.) - Never thought I would see the day where Camila is openly and actively playing the game. She figured out a lot from her trip to the final mission with Jemmye last season. I still expect her to freakout at least one more time if we are lucky, but she is a true threat.
3.) Nany, LW 4.) - How has she made an ascent to a top three player? Easy, she seems to be everyone's friend in the house, both guys and girls. I don't really think Nany will be there at the end, but right now, she is playing the game at a high level.
2.) CT, LW 1.) - If you are Johnny Challenge, how terrified are you to see CT in The Draw. I would be so nervous. Imagine doing 'Looper' with CT, it would be an absolute bloodbath.
1.) -Laurel, LW 2.) - Back to the top spot as she continues to be one of the best, finishing second in this mission and hooking up with Jordan.
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